S0011 [Source: Oztekin et al. (2006). The Tohoku journal of experimental medicine 211(1):49-61.]
A self-administered questionnaire on the willingness to use complementary and alternative therapies for cancer patients was offered to 640 nursing students in Istanbul.
Willingness to use for cancer patients was highest for nutritional therapy (76.1%), breathing therapies (74.5%), and massage and manipulation-Tui Na, in which pressure and touch are applied to the body (71.9%). Over half of the nursing students used music therapy (54.2%), and massage and manipulation-Tui Na (53.6%) for self-care. Breathing therapies (87.2%) were the most desired therapy chosen to be included in nursing curriculum.
Q1. How would you graphically present the willingness of using different complementary and alternative therapies for cancer patients?
Q2. What is the error incurred in estimating the percentage of nursing students who are willing to use breathing therapies for cancer patients? Do you think the error is acceptable?
Q3. No matter what you think in Q2, a scholar prefers a smaller error. If you were given a chance to plan for the study again, what will you do to reduce the error?
Q4. Suppose the school needs at least 80% support from the students before the inclusion of a new topic in the nursing curriculum will be considered. Do we have enough support for including breathing therapies in the nursing curriculum? Explain.
Q5. What error will your conclusion in Q4 may suffer?